monthly challenges: december

for each month of this year (I started in March), I’m going to be doing...

for each month of this year (I started in March), I’m going to be doing a monthly challenge, where I practice something NEW for the entire month (about 30 days). I didn’t want to preselect all the challenges for the entire year, because I’m always changing and there are always areas of my life that change and some need more help than others at certain times.

let’s start with a recap of the last month and then get into this month’s challenge!

november’s challenge: recap

november’s challenge was to say goodbye to desserts/sweets until Thanksgiving. I “cheated” on this challenge twice – once I stress ate a box of cookies and the other time was while on vacation in Turks & Caicos with my family and each night they put these cute little sweets on the bed at turn down service and I just HAD to have one! otherwise, I abstained from desserts/sweets up until Thanksgiving, when I had the most amazing Oreo cookie ice cream! it was delicious down to the last spoonful.

however, I don’t think I’ll be doing anymore challenges like these – I’ve worked so hard to get to a place where I can eat freely and openly and not vilify foods, and it definitely brought back some old feelings and I’ve noticed, that since Thanksgiving, I’ve been eating A LOT more sweets than usual and this is because I restricted myself for a month, got a taste, and now that’s all I think about, hence this post. it definitely helped me get back on a healthy track with sugar, but I don’t think it was necessary. I think me just making more of an effort on a daily basis instead on a set time frame is better for my overall.

december challenge

it’s the last month of the year!! I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by. I really can’t. for my last challenge of the year, I wanted to bring it back to something that I tried to do as my first challenge and failed. I want to bring it back, with a different twist. I want to go to bed 30 minutes before “bedtime” and read. it doesn’t have to be anything in particular, but it must be something that is NOT on my laptop, iPad, or iPhone. I’m talking books, magazines, etc. I have just noticed that a) when I go into bed and get out of a room with a TV, I have a more restful sleep and b) I feel more productive when I’m reading rather than scrolling through social media and watching crappy television with Lu! I’m going to try to get Lu on this challenge too, so I’ll let you know!

what will your december challenge be?

with love, Ali

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