baby favorites: month 10

month 10 of the BABY FAVORITES series. things that my baby (and me!) are loving...

month 10 of the BABY FAVORITES series. things that my baby (and me!) are loving at this stage.  for this series, I’m going to list the things that made month TEN great!

and of course, you can check out newborn favorites, month 4, month 5, month 6month 7, month 8, and month 9.

month 10: baby favorites

1. play kitchen – Luca LOVES this play kitchen. we are telling people to bring “accessories” for it to his first birthday party and now, he just has random toys in it – but loves playing here. it’s adorable!

2. fridge magnet board – this has made organizing my freezer meals for Luca so much better! now I know what’s in the freezer, making meal planning easier.

3. baby gate – I wish I had gotten this sooner! as Luca became mobile, it was tough keeping him in a safe zone. I’d go to the kitchen and he’d crawl over. now, he is in a safe, baby proofed area thanks to this minimalist baby gate.

4. Freeze dried fruit snacks – I pack these in his diaper bag when we go out all day and they’re a nice little treat, especially at restaurants. He loves them!

5. brown bear book – this has been his favorite book lately! he sits through the whole thing and always loves the last page! it’s adorable.

hope you picked up a few ideas for your little ones!

with love, Ali

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