monthly challenges: august

monthly challenges: august

for each month of this year (I started in March), I’m going to be doing...

for each month of this year (I started in March), I’m going to be doing a monthly challenge, where I practice something NEW for the entire month (about 30 days). I didn’t want to preselect all the challenges for the entire year, because I’m always changing and there are always areas of my life that change and some need more help than others at certain times.

let’s start with a recap of the last month and then get into this month’s challenge!

july’s challenge: recap

july’s challenge was to floss everyday. I know, I know, I’m not a flosser. I actually used to not brush my teeth before I went to bed until a few years ago.

was I successful? YES! flossing will now always be part of my nightly routine. I’ll admit, some nights, I would really only get my tough parts if I was exhausted (like my molars), but I’d say that 90% of the time, I flossed before bed.

you definitely wake up feeling a little cleaner – and I just have a better peace of mind. I actually went to the dentist the other week and I had no cavities and they mentioned my plaque buildup is not nearly as bad as it was the last time I went! woohoo!

august challenge

to use less paper towels! there are some days where I go through a roll in a day. it’s BAD! I feel shameful about it everyday. even though I buy recycled paper towels (because it makes me feel somewhat better about my habit), it’s not making the right impact.

in order to do this, everyday, I’m going to be using washcloths and a bowl of water to clean Luca’s high chair and him after all of his feedings. I’ve also purchased proper kitchen towels/rags, so I can use them when I’m drying dishes or just washing my hands and need to wipe them.

each day, I’m going to make a bigger effort to reduce my paper towel usage!

what will your august challenge be?

with love, Ali

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