monthly challenges: march

I wish I remembered where I read or heard of this, but either a book I read or a podcast I listen to recommended you try something new for 30 days to see if you like it. this something new should be something that either improves yourself, your business, or those around you. kind of like trying out a new habit! a healthy habit, of course.

I wish I remembered where I read or heard of this, but either a book I read or a podcast I listen to recommended you try something new for 30 days to see if you like it. this something new should be something that either improves yourself, your business, or those around you. kind of like trying out a new habit! a healthy habit, of course.

if you can stick with it for those 30 days and it enhances your lifestyle, you can incorporate it into your everyday life moving forward. if it doesn’t, at least you tried something new – and probably learned from the experience! perhaps it’s trying out an instrument? learning a new word from a new language every day? practicing yoga? meditation (I’m definitely going to try this one!)? cook a new recipe?

so for each month (starting today, March 1!), I’m going to be doing a monthly challenge, where I practice something NEW or the entire month (about 30 days). I didn’t want to preselect all the challenges for the entire year, because I’m always changing and there are always areas of my life that change and some need more help than others at certain times, so I’m just starting with March.

march challenge

read for at least 30 minutes a day from a business book. (currently reading Gary Vaynerchuk’s new book, Crushing It!) I feel like a lot of my time is wasted watching TV, scrolling through social media, and snoozing when I don’t really need the extra ZZZs. also, I don’t prioritize self development as an entrepreneur – reading a business book should be regarded as “work”, because it will end up helping me in my business! every time I finish a business book, I’m more motivated and end up incorporating so many tips and principles from these books that help my brand.

I’ll be setting calendar reminders each day to get my 30 minutes in! and hopefully I’ll be able to do this and it’ll be something I continue to do for the rest of the year!

do you want to join me?

if so, leave your March challenge below in the comments and we’ll check back in April to start a new challenge and chat about it!

with love, Ali

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