monthly challenges: september

for each month of this year (I started in March), I’m going to be doing...

for each month of this year (I started in March), I’m going to be doing a monthly challenge, where I practice something NEW for the entire month (about 30 days). I didn’t want to preselect all the challenges for the entire year, because I’m always changing and there are always areas of my life that change and some need more help than others at certain times.

let’s start with a recap of the last month and then get into this month’s challenge!

august’s challenge: recap

august’s challenge was to use less paper towels. aside from taking a daily walk outside each day challenge, this was my favorite. I quickly realized how many paper towels I was using (I was ordering a pack of 18 rolls each month – it was HORRIBLE!) and the paper towels weren’t even effective in cleaning up a lot of the messes I was making, especially with Luca (baby led weaning is messy, guys.)

literally, my life is changed. for the better. I don’t know if it’s more environmentally friendly or not, because now I have to wash the washcloths I got (which, before, I didn’t need to use water to clean – because paper towels are disposable), but I’m definitely saving money, cleaning better, and producing less WASTE, which is what I was trying to do.

I got these microfiber washcloths. I use them for everything – they clean Luca up much better than paper towels ever did. I still use paper towels for grosser cleanups (like, spit up) or for drying baby things (like pacifiers and bottles) and I use paper towels for drying food (like if I rinse fruit.)

I go through a roll a week now, as opposed to a roll every day – I am so happy with how this challenge went!

and yes, I’ll be continuing to clean my home with microfiber washcloths like this, even post-challenge.

september challenge

listen to a podcast every day (well, monday through friday, during working hours.) I listen to a lot of music during work, and I always tell myself, “you should listen to a podcast!” HOWEVER, I can’t type and listen to a podcast, so I just have to find the time of day when I’m not typing (for instance, cooking in the kitchen) and listen to the podcast then.

so let me ask you – any good podcasts you suggest? I want something that will help me grow as a business person. let me know!

what will your september challenge be?

with love, Ali

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